Dillon. Thirteen Thirty Five

Wednesday 7 January 2015


2015年 あけましておめでとう!今年の願いは、これからすべてがうまく行きますように。


そして、今日LUCKY DRAWで欲しかったのWoodyさんを取ってると希望がちょっと戻ってきました。うれしい

Happy New Year.


Sunday 17 August 2014





由于经历了小学时期好朋友的背叛,我变成了没办法信任他人,厌恶人类。虽然因为班组任的关系,和班上的同学们打成了一片, 可是总没办法放开自己,和大家保持固定的距离,变成了独来独往的一匹狼。而且嘴巴和态度也变得比较直接,可能伤了人。不过这些可能也是因为有加上中二病,还学了跆拳道,总是要耍酷什么的吧。男人婆型

中四,中五,a-level 和 大学一年,
因为被班上的同学和跆拳道的同伴感动到,感受到了友情,又开始敞开了心房。 这段时期和朋友的交集最主动,最频率,最幸福。
再加上本身找到了自己的兴趣:漫画,美术,摇滚音乐; 生活变得多姿多彩,像是找到了自己。

不过,这几年里,我经历的(包括旅行),看到的,听到的,学到的 真的很多。一切都深深影响了我对很多事情今后的观念与态度。

今天我听着the xx 的playlist,翻阅着more之类的服装/时尚杂志。发现最近像是很多东西又换着了口味和心情。
- 开始厌倦了执著了多过八年的alternative rock, metal rock 之类的音乐,感觉倾向了indie,eletro,soul之类的音乐,有时不肯接受自己这样的变化,所以一直逼自己听metal rock.很别扭
- 开始想变得更成熟,比较有气质的打扮。因为之前的口味太重了,现在几乎感觉需要把整个衣柜里的东西换完,可是没钱。所以,现在依然逼着自己穿着。感觉不是很舒服。。。
- 开始想要更细心的选择朋友或是信任的人


Wednesday 6 August 2014






何だが、残念事を思い出しました 17114

Sunday 27 July 2014

Vivian came, we spent and we ate.

Vivian has came up to Glasgow for a visit from Reading for the past two days. Vivian, Cying and  I have been spending the days together catching up wit each other's life.
We thought of doing some shopping but time was limited and Glasgow has been too crowded. The city has been packed with tourists who came for the Commonwealth Games for the past few days. There were lots of sales going on at the same time. Unfortunately I don't feel comfortable shopping in a crowded environment. So, I bought no new clothes.

However, I paid my first visit to L'OCCITANE and did my first purchase of the hand cream and beauty cream under Pivoine Flora Series. The series came with scent of roses, which smells really good. Also to match with the rose toner I bought from Japan which I had just started using recently.

I have heard lots of positive reviews from various people about L'OCCITANE. Even after my purchase, I came across another friend who reassured me that a hand-cream-fanatic friend of hers once testimonied L'OCCITANE to have the best hand cream ever. It made me so happy that I bought it, full of hope for smoother hand/skin *twinkles* lol *applies cream generously* hahaha

So, Basically, for the past two days, the most interesting stuff we had, I would say would be the food we ate.
We ate so much. I did not have the photos of every single food but,yea, foodporn! :D

Friday night at The Sisters, Kelvingrove, Glasgow

Shetland mussels in Thistly cross Scottish Cider with crispy Ayrshire bacon, parsley, garlic & Cream

Ill make it short.Fresh and amazing cream!

Ullapool smoked haddock risotto with creamed leeks and soft poached Corrie Main farm egg

Personally, love this starter. Probably, because of the egg. I love poached egg so much. It surprised me when I poked the egg and the orange-yellow yolk burst out and blend into the leek cream, making such beautiful colors. Haddocks are soft and fresh. Loving the balance of texture, soft and crispy.
However, Vivian and Cying thught that the risotto was over cooked, making it feels almost like rice.
Well, I still love it anyway. The name doesnt really matter to me:D

Wild highland Venison Loin, Arran beetroot & cabbage slaw with a Tayside raspberry balsmic glaze

This is my main course. I would say that the Venison Loin, below my expectation, it was not as juicy or tender as the appearance looked like. It was slightly dry. However,  I like the raspberry balsamic glaze very much. The composition would be perfect together if the loin was tender enough, blending its taste together with the glaze. 

As an overall, The Sisters actually falls below our expectation. However, I appreciate the delication of design in their food. So beautiful! Nonetheless, I would say that the composition of ingredients were really great! If only certain ingredient could be properly controlled in the cooking... But these things could be improved by experience. I would like to try it again someday.

Saturday Brunch with Cying at Kember & Jones, Byres Road, Glasgow

Cying ordered Continental Start with an apple muffin and a scone.
The scone was the softest scone I have ever eaten in my life, so far.
They have a mild,  unique scent of spice to it, which is really nice.

I ordered Bacon Waffle and Maple Syrup. SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!
SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say is, SO GOOOODDDDD *hearts*

Such sweetness, makes the day bright. :D
However, it might be too sweet to be eaten everyday. 
I can't actually go further for a second plate.
I was satisfied, 
anyhow. lol

Saturday Dinner at Anatolia, Hope Street, Glasgow

A turkish restaurant.
Sorry, I did not take much photo for this restaurant. Because...I wasnt so interested...
Somehow, food with lots of spice and creams around does not suit to my liking.
But, this main course I ordered, Dolma, is a stuffed aubergine with rice. Yea.
I struggled eating this, but, it doesnt mean their food was bad.haha
Cying, Vivian and Wling ordered marinated lamb cubes or something similar. Those were superb. 
I was just unlucky.orz

After that, we proceed to the CUP, Glasgow for a little bit of drink.
Cying and Vivian each ordered a mojito.
I asked the bartender for recommendation as I am a total noob.lol
She actually recommended mojitos to me as well. Then, I remembered in the past, I always get recommmendations from friends, who always those like,.. 'girls tend to like this alot' bla bla bla..but I have never liked them after I tried it. So I ended up ordering the unrecommended gin-cocktail, The Martinez. lol 
Da Dang!

Looks like Rising Sun , with a red cherry at the bottom of the glass.
Love it. 
The bitterness, but comes with a little bit of sweetness to it. 
The scent was abit sweet too. It did make me felt calm down, like the smell of lavender.
So, Apparently, I am not a girl. hahah
 I tend to enjoy drinking drinks which are stronger and slightly more bitter.

 We ended our second day with a little bit of chitchat, accompanied with bottles of sparkling juice-like wine.lol

And, I have not been doing anything productive for three days, including work and japanese study or anything. sigh
But, it was really great to be able to talk to my friends and having some sleepovers after so many years.
Even though they talked so much about medicine and pharmacy...lol, expected, when a doctor and a pharmacist meets. Though I didn't understand all those scientific terms, but I was glad they were patient enough to explain it to me when I was confused. Probably I asked alot of amateur questions..lol! It was interesting anyway to hear about things you don't know about. It makes you feel distant from your friend at some point, but at the same time, you will find it amazing to realize how everyone is specializing in something different from each another.:)

Some selfies to end. hahaha

Me and Cying. I straightened her hair! :D
By the way, I really, really, really, think that my face is looking older and older nowadays...starting to look like auntie..., really.
I wanna cry... why why why whyyyyyyy

And, yea, I don't know why, but yes, we did not take any photo with Vivian.lol why????!!
Sorry, vivian. Because you left us. :P

Also, I am actually trying to get back my long fringe, because I wanna look like Avril.ahhahaha
But, maybe because of that I look more auntie?? I don't know.
Maybe I should go back to short fringe and act cute.lol
But no, lets see how it goes... 

Maybe cause I havnt been wearing colour lens for long time, or maybe cause Cohei showed so much hatred towards colour lens.. recently, I somehow felt more comfortable with my look without lenses. But it has became a totally different feeling from what I used to seek.


Tuesday 22 July 2014



Recently, my japanese study has been interesting.
Things that I have not been able to understand have slowly came to understanding.
Things that I need to remember became more and more
However, I became excited about it.

Monday 21 July 2014

Nail Care Debut

I always felt envious about other girls who have long and slender fingers and beautiful nails.
I do have a little bit of fetish on hands.
 So, I have always been embarrassed about my own hand.
 So ugly.
 Until yesterday i decided to make a difference. 
I can't change the shape of my fingers that I was born with.
 So, I finally picked up some nail reshapers and stuffs. I also bought this complete care extra moisturising 4-in-1 nail treatment, hoping it would give it more healthier look.
Apparently it comes with Avocado Oil, Okoume Extract, Soy & Silk Protein, Minerals and wheat...
I know nothing about nails...But this sounds very healthy to me...
aha...haha... orz

Not sure if it works. It looks exactly like the usual transparent nail color coating...
 But, so glad I started fixing my nails!
 I should have done this earlier (*ノノ)キャッ
 Not perfect, but so much better. it looks smoother and shinier now.
 ☆゚'・:*:・。,ヽ(・∀・)人(・∀・)ノ ,。・:*:・゚'☆

By the way, I have moved in into a new place Last Friday. Currently living with a couple, yee yee & fong fong. I will be living in their living room for two months, as Glasgow rent is really high around this time due to Commenwealth, also because my schedule for future has not been decided.
So thankful of them and also Ying Ying for helping me out in the house moving that day. I thought I could do it alone but... I guessed I overestimated myself. lol

Saturday 12 July 2014


Today I tried to dance for the first time in my life.

Youtube で初心者向けチュートリアルから習っている。
I am learning it from youtube tutorials for beginners.

It's Hip Hop.

In addition, I am practising Kyary's Invader Invader's Dance moves out of interest. lol

It was my first time, so it was somehow difficult. But I had fun☆

I have always though of learning to dance since high school.

Finally, In order not to regret later on, also for sports, I started to dance.

I will continue to learn dancing this day onwards.